Scope of work

Design, construction documentation, tender, award of contract, project supervision


November 2015 – September 2016


Georg Dobelmann

Construction costs

€ 450,000 €

1 I 9 Restaurant 800°

2 I 9 Entry to the restaurant

3 I 9 Detail doorr

4 I 9 General view

5 I 9 Seating niche

6 I 9 Seating niche

7 I 9 Wine fridge

8 I 9 Entry to the toilets

9 I 9 General view

Scope of work

Design, construction documentation, tender, award of contract, project supervision


November 2015 – September 2016


Georg Dobelmann

Construction costs

€ 450,000

The 800° restaurant has been redesigned during the modernisation measures of the See- und Sporthotel Ankum. With a new chef and design, it has become an attraction in the region, independent of the hotel’s operations.

The restaurant is decorated in dark colour nuances. Olive-green seating niches, a dark wood surface in the flooring, anthracite-coloured furniture fixtures and black, bulbous metal lights are combined with red accents (backlit wine refrigerator, armchairs) and the yellow fire of the fireplaces. Stylistic elements such as the recurring half-timbering, abstracted in wall areas and as a black suspended ceiling, as well as a fireplace flanking over 7 metres, repeatedly make reference to the “Artland” region and the theme of the steakhouse.

See also See- und Sporthotel Ankum